Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The School Efficiency Project... THE SEQUEL!

Okay, the title is the big news. But I've got news just big, there is a going to be a Green Evening this month. More news, coming soon...

And now, for the title news. We've got a brand new installment to The School Efficiency Project. Here is a bit of an overview:

"The School Efficiency Project: Whale Boy Indicted" This episode follows the project members as they try to get 100 Energy Efficiency Surveys completed. Once again, circumstances become disasterous...

This was written over a week during lunch and bathroom breaks at school, and was filmed over a period of two days. Hope you enjoy!

This short was made to promote the Energy Evaluation Surveys that the Green Alliance needs 100 filled out. If you would like to fill out a survey and help us in our quest (Quest! Quest! Quest!), you can download one here, fill it out after taking the survey, and then return it to the Emporium Cafe (Main St. Hohenwald) or at General Assembly Academy.

And below is the video, in four parts. By the way, this video would NOT have been possible without the help and cooperation of GAA.

The School Efficiency Project 2 Part 1 from Manny Lagos on Vimeo.

The School Efficiency Project 2 Part 2 from Manny Lagos on Vimeo.

The School Efficiency Project 2 Part 3 from Manny Lagos on Vimeo.

The School Efficiency Project 2 Part 4 from Manny Lagos on Vimeo.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The School Efficiency Project

Last October IFC and Earthjustic held an energy efficiency short film competition. Yours truly, the Green Alliance, decided to whip a short film up over the period of 48 hours. After a few hours writing, a whole day of shooting, a whole night of editing, and many technical headaches, we had…The School Efficiecny Project. Unfortunately, we didn’t win… or even get honorable mention. BUT never fear, we went on a perilous quest (Quest! Quest! Quest!) to bring the video to YOU!


The School Efficiency Project shows a documentary crew as it follows Tim Woodall, head student councilman of his school, as he tries to pull together the School Efficiency Project. It soon turns disasterous…

The video is in three parts. Check ‘em out below!

Find more videos like this on Jellyfish Labs

Find more videos like this on Jellyfish Labs

Find more videos like this on Jellyfish Labs

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Time For Serious-edness


We’ve had our fill of silliness. But now it is time for serious-edness: The church associated with the Green Alliance, General Assembly and Church of the First Born, has a mission compound near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The compound has been offered for the Red Cross relief efforts. The church will be feeding Haitians as long as there is a need. But we need donations, and 100% of which will go to the Haiti relief. If you would like to donate, please send the money to:

General Assembly Church

Haiti Mission

161 Baker Rd.

Hohenwald, TN 38462

or call (931)-796-4368 or (931)-796-4361

or for more information go to:


We would appreciate your donations and if you cannot give money, please give your prayers.

God bless, and live green.

-The Green Alliance

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Harvest Time... Let's EAT!

Do you know the best thing about harvest time? Eating the food you harvested! Well, the SGI is hosting a Local Harvest Cook-off, at the Emporium on November 17th at 5;30 P.M.. Here is some info, if you are considering entering:

There will be a $5.00 entry fee per dish. You are not limited to just one category. We are offering 7 different categories to choose from: Appetizer, Soup, Meat, Vegetable, Vegan, Desert, and Drink. There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each category. Judging will be based on localization of food, taste, and presentation. There will be cash prizes. All dishes prepared MUST be made with as many locally grown harvests as possible. An ingredient card MUST be presented, highlighting each locally grown ingredient. If you would like to participate in the cook off, please contact the Center for Holistic Ecology so that we can sign you up.

Also, our Enviromental Science class, got the honors of being awarded with a Certificate of Achievement from the Sonnenschein Green Initiative for September 2009. Andrew and Amanda representatively represented us at the September Green Evening, when the award was given out.

God bless, and live green!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Hey everyone! We just wanted to make you aware of these statistics from the “CIA”… I mean “EIA” (the Energy Information Administration.) Here is the link for Tennessee’s EIA statistics page.
God bless, and live green!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Promised I Wouldn't Cry

I promised I wouldn’t cry… the Green Evening for October has, sadly, been cancelled. I am not going to cry. I AM NOT going to cry. I might have lost it., if I didn’t know, that instead of the Green Evening, the SGI will be holding (in November) a harvest cook-off, which sounds equally as fun. Seeing as this is a community effort, everyone is invited to join the fun. I could cry from sadness or joy!

(Cyber sobs.) (Cyber snot.)(Cyber Kleenex.)

God (Cyber sob) bless, and— (Cyber sob) live green.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Octopus Heritage Festival

Sorry, I mean October Heritage Festival. So, yours truly, the Green Alliance, set up their handy-dandy Compare-o-Meter, to EDUCATE THE PUBLIC!!! All part of our quest! (Quest! Quest! Quest!) It was quite windy. Even for the octopi. (Sorry, that joke is running thin.) Many a tent was blown away in the mighty gales. But thanks to the aid of duct tape, our set up was just fine and jim-dandy. We’ll be posting some pics soon. So don’t forget to check back often.

P.S.- In my previous post, I stated that we should start defending our eight-legged, under-water friends. I will begin, by giving an example of octopi-human relations: Watch 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Many believe the animal is a squid, but the are wrong it is actually, a giant mutant octopus. (That explains the ten tentacles.) The octopus tries to smash the men on the boat, to pieces… Well, I guess that doesn’t help octopi-human relations.

God bless, and live green!

-The Green Alliance.